Join Us!

We would be thrilled to have you as a member of MWABA! Here’s how to join:

First, sign up

Completing our registration form will give us everything we need to sign you up for our weekly newsletter, our primary way of letting you know about upcoming events. It also includes a waiver that we need you to complete before you participate in our activities. Please fill out our registration form here!

Second, if you can, please consider paying annual dues

Dues-paying members can apply for sponsorships, buy discounted bike jerseys, and participate in our board elections. Dues are $25 per year and can be paid through one of these three options:

1. Venmo

Our account is @MWABADC.

2. PayPal

Click on the button below to donate via PayPal:

3. Email

Contact us at for other payment options.

Read our full code of conduct here.

About 25 people smile alongside several tandem bikes at the Bethesda Metro Station.
MWABA held its first-ever biking-and-camping trip in June 2023. Here, the group is about to set off from the Bethesda Metro Station to head down the Capital Crescent Trail to the C&O Canal.