MWABA Newsletter: Upcoming Hike on June 16, Bethesda Tandem Ride June 6, Goalball June 8, and Bike Camping Skill Share June 15

June 3, 2024

Hello MWABA,

Our next MWABA hike will take place on Sunday, June 16. We’ll be exploring the natural surface trails of the qnaqui if you are interested and available to support the carpool. Please click the link below to sign up. We’re excited to see you out there! And lastly, stay tuned for more information about our next away hike, to take place in Maryland in July.

Our next tandem bike ride is this Thursday in Bethesda at 6, sign up here by Tuesday (and for all of our June weeknight rides). Note that we’ll ride on Wednesday, June 19th, instead of June 20th:

MWABA is hosting a skillshare event in preparation for our much-anticipated bike camping trip on June 15 from 9:30-1:30 at Rock Creek Park’s Picnic Grove 13 (near the Nature Center, 5200 Glover Rd NW). Even for folks not going on the trip this year, it’s a great way to learn about camping essentials including the various aspects of packing and erecting and disassembling a tent, as well as the components of a bike from repairing a flat tire, fixing a dropped/broken chain, and anything else people might be interested in. Please fill out this form if you plan to attend.

Come to Saturday Goalball at the Columbia Heights Community Center, 1480Girard St. NW, on June 8, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

See you out there!

Metro Washington Association of Blind Athletes
Sports and fun for everyone!